
BraggNN: Validation Dataset

Ravi, Nikil; Liu, Zhengchun; Sharma, Hemant; Chaturvedi, Pranshu; Huerta, E.A.; Scourtas, Aristana; KJ, Schmidt; Chard, Ryan; Blaiszik, Ben


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CC-BY 4.0


Eliu Huerta <> Zhengchun Liu <>


10.18126/hvny-s7ax View on Datacite
BraggNN Validation Dataset This dataset contains 13799 samples from the training dataset, and is used to evaluate, and provide metrics for, the models that were trained on the larger training dataset. Data The data are located in the /data folder, and store the collected peaks and frames. There are two datasets in the hdf5 file: - Patch: input to the BraggNN model. It is a 3D array where its first dimension is the index of samples, i.e., 13799. The second and third dimension are the height and width of the patch/peak respectively. - ploc: the peak location for each of the 13799 peaks, i.e., label of the dataset. Code ** Important ** To run the DLHub versions of these models using GPU resources, users must first request access to the following Globus group: Notebooks are provided in the code-examples folder to showcase how to load the datasets and run the PyTorch, TRT, and SambaNova models.