
Dataset for Polyelectrolyte Complexation of Oligonucleotides by Charged Hydrophobic – Neutral Hydrophilic Block Polymers

Marras, Alexander E.; Vieregg, Jeffrey R.; Ting, Jeffrey M.; Rubien, Jack D.; Tirrell, Matthew V.


10.18126/M2QW8R View on Datacite
“Polyelectrolyte Complexation of Oligonucleotides by Charged Hydrophobic – Neutral Hydrophilic Block Polymers“ Alexander E. Marras, Jeffrey R. Vieregg, Jeffrey M. Ting, Jack D. Rubien, Matthew V. Tirrell Institute for Molecular Engineering, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637 contact via twitter @AEMarras, @J_Ting1 or preprint DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv.7456322.v1 Files include background subtracted small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) data from the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory. Data is organized by cation type (poly-l-lysine-PEG vs. poly-vinylbenzyltrimethyl-ammonium) and nucleic acid hybridization (single-stranded vs. double-stranded).